5 Tips to Enhance Cybersecurity as Your Office Reopens STAY SECURE As Ransomware has grown into a multi-billion-dollar industry

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Cybersecurity Tips

Ransomware has grown into a multi-billion-dollar industry. On average, a ransomware attack occurs about every 11 seconds, and the downtime from an attack averages 9.6 days.

Preventing ransomware attacks requires a layered approach that combines security defenses with proactive measures to prevent ransomware from taking hold in the first place.

Download 5 Tips to Enhance Cybersecurity as Your Office Reopens

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Here are 5 tips to prevent these attacks

  1. Perform regular system backups

  2. Segment your network

  3. Conduct regular network security assessments

  4. Conduct employee security training

  5. Get your password security under control


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